로그인 회원가입

때로 더럽혀진 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • grimy
  • 때로    때로(는) according to circumstance; on
  • 더럽혀진    smeary; flyblown; mozy; dirty; blurred; stained;
  • 더럽혀진    smeary; flyblown; mozy; dirty; blurred; stained; spotted
  • 검댕으로 더럽혀진    grimy
  • 더럽혀진 얼굴의 천사    Angels with Dirty Faces
  • 더럽혀지다    become stained; spot
  • 더럽혀지지 않은    uncontaminated; stainless; immaculate; undirtied; virgin; unsullied
  • 때로    때로(는) according to circumstance; on occasion; sometimes; in some cases; occasionally; once in a while. 그도 ~ 실수를 한다 Even he makes a mistake once in a while[at times]. ~ 노력이 보답받지 못하는 경우도 있다 Our effort
  • 때때로    때때로 [가끔] sometimes; (every) now and then[again]; occasionally; [이따금] once in a while; [드문드문] at intervals. 맑은 후 ~ 흐림 Fair, occasionally cloudy. 흐린 후 ~ 비 Cloudy, with occasional rain. ~ 그에게서 편지가 온다 I
  • 때로는    sometime; now and then; once in a while; sometimes; at times
  • 때로의    occasional; odd
  • 더럽게    uncleanly; dirtily; meanly
  • 더럽다    더럽다1 [불결하다] dirty; filthy; foul; unclean; soiled; squalid; nasty; stained; grimy; shabby. 더러운 물 dirty[impure] water. 더러운 손수건 a dirty[ soiled] handkerchief. 더러운 변소 a filthy toilet. 늘어선 더러운 집들 a row o
  • 더럽힘    defilement
  • 때때로$1$    sometimes; every so often; occasionally; now and then
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